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2016-12-12 December
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
December 12, 2016
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 6:10PM

Present were, Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher, John Barett, Roger Rapoza, Drew Funk, Adam Ruuska  and Pam Haman.

Minutes of the November meeting approved and signed.

Bills were approved and signed.

Roger stated that Jim Kreidler stated that it was ok for the Commissioners to go ahead and appoint the Permanent Working Foreman position.  A change of status form was done for Drew.  John Barrett moved to appoint Drew Funk as the Permanent Working Foreman.  Ray second all were in favor motion carried.
The memo declaring the 1999 Ford F350 Truck as salvage was approved.

Superintendents Report:
Budget forms will be due in January.  Pam stated that fund balances will be need for the budget and that the department has not received information on balances for trust funds, revolving and special revenue accounts for over a year.

Meeting was formally adjourned at 6:50 for the Annual Christmas Gathering.


Pam Haman

Approved: Cemetery and Parks Commissioners
January 03, 2017